Ruby Links
Collected Links
Links I’ve collected on Delicious
- Resources for Rails Beginners Collection of Ruby and Rails links for beginners
- Ruby On Rails and PHP Cloud Hosting PaaS | Managed Rails Development | Engine Yard Platform as a Service PaaS platform for Ruby or PHP
- wr0ngway/rubber Capastrano like rails deployment to EC2
- Boston Ruby Group Nice collection of Ruby presentations that Travis mentioned on G+
- Hackety Hack! Potentially interesting into to programming done online, using ruby.
- sonian/sensu - GitHub Sensu, a monitoring framework that aims to be simple, malleable, and scalable
- Cuke4Ninja: The Secret Ninja Cucumber Scrolls | Cucumber | Gherkin | Agile Acceptance Testing | Behaviour Driven Development A step-by-step guide for Cucumber. And just a wonderfully good name.
- OpenShift by Red Hat OpenShift is a free, auto-scaling platform-as-a-service for Java, Ruby, PHP, Perl and Python applications, by RedHat
- cucumber-nagios Run cucumber tests as a nagios plugin. Interesting concept.
- jpf/domain-profiler - GitHub domain-profiler is a tool that uses information from various sources (Whois, DNS, SSL, ASN) to determine what decisions have been made regarding a domain or list of domains
- Octopress Octopress is a blogging framework built around Jekyll. It adds plugins, a decent starting look and feel and lots of automation via rake
- Vagrant - Welcome Vagrant is a tool for building and distributing virtualized development environments.
- Learn Ruby The Hard Way | Learn Ruby The Hard Way Learn Ruby by writing code.
- schacon/showoff - GitHub Slideshows in ruby served as a sinatra web app,
- Tracks :: index Rails based GTD webapp. Syncs with Shuffle.